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The Importance of Taking Pictures for Your Car Accident Claim

Goldstein Heslop Steele Clapper Oswalt & Smith Dec. 10, 2021

If you have been involved in a car accident, you know how chaotic and emotionally overwhelming the situation can be. Your first priority should always be to examine your own condition as well as the condition of others and, if anyone is in need of help, call for emergency assistance. In the midst of all this, you might forget to take pictures of the scene of the accident, but this one small step can actually serve as a vital piece of evidence.

These days, almost everyone has a cell phone with a camera, making it easier than ever before to document the scene of an accident. Unfortunately, many people either do not realize the importance of it, or simply fail to do so. Having accident photos that document damages and injuries can make a major difference in ensuring the success of an insurance claim. Here are some other reasons why taking pictures after an accident is important:

  • You can argue with someone’s recollection of events since memory is often unreliable, but arguing with photographic proof is not quite as easy. It will greatly improve the strength of your case.

  • Photos from the scene of an accident can show proof of the cause and contributing factors, as well as the extent of the damages a victim suffered as a result.

  • When the time comes to negotiate with an insurance adjuster, your photos can be presented as evidence to substantiate or injuries and the fault of the other driver.

Keep in mind that, when taking photos, the phrase “less is more” does not apply. Take as many as you can from varying angles and make sure you document all damages and injuries.

Altoona Car Accident Lawyers

At Goldstein, Heslop, Steele, Clapper, Oswalt, and Smith, we understand the stress of being involved in any type of car accident. Our Altoona legal team is committed to helping you hold the responsible party accountable and receive fair compensation.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.